
Ulei din semințe de Morcov

90.00 lei


Brand: Nefertiti for natural oils and herbs

Country of origin: Egypt

Botanical Name: Daucus carota subsp. sativus L.

Family Name: Apiaceae

INCHI: Daucus carota Sativa Seed Oil

Synonyms: Carrot, جزر, Морковь, Морква, Carotte, Carota, 胡萝卜

Parts Used: Seeds

Extraction Method: Cold pressed

Scent: Earthy bitter smell

Appearance: Amber-color to pale orange-brown

Physical state: Liquid

Natural Yes

Puritate: 100% pure

Certificates: ISO, COA and MSDS

Composition: Vitamins: A, B and E, Carotol, pinene, limonene, geraniol, daucol, geranyl acetate, euganol, asarone

Shipping: Calculated at checkout

Ulei din semințe de Morcov – 125 ml
90.00 lei

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Benefits of Carrot Seed Oil

Natural carrot seed oil is good for eyesight, strengthens the immune system, is an effective diuretic, helps to remove kidney stones and restore liver cells.

Carrot seed oil helps to cleanse the blood and lymph system, removes toxins, and is effective in the treatment of arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It protects the body from radiation and tobacco smoke, and symptomatically relieves digestive disorders, specifically being most effective for problems with bowel function. In addition to its many healthy components, carrot seed oil is rich in carotene and vitamin A, both of which are very beneficial for eye health and are well known for being powerful antioxidants. Scientific research has shown that antioxidants can repair the damage done to human tissues by oxidants (free radicals) and help to protect against further harm. Carrot seed oil activates intracellular redox processes, which improves the flow of oxygen into the cells and contributes to their renewal. Regular consumption of this oil regulates water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism, improves the formation of protein compounds, and thus restores an organism exhausted by diseases.

Carrot Seed Oil as an Antioxidant

Natural carrot seed oil is rich in carotenoids that protect the human body from the damaging effects of free radicals and the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. Antioxidants can help repair the damage done to your tissues by oxidants and protect your body by blocking their further effects. Carrot seed oil activates intracellular redox processes, which improves oxygen flow to cells and promotes cell renewal. This oil is highly advantageous for the restoration of strength and bodily functions after serious illnesses, anemia and vitamin deficiency, in particular vitamin A deficiency, and following surgery. 

Carrot Seed Oil for Kidney and Liver

Carrot seed oil ensures the good functioning of the thyroid gland, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, digestive tract and urinary tract. Natural carrot seed oil is used to remove kidney stones by helping to flush out sand and small stones from the kidneys, as well as cleanse the liver and promote good liver cell health.

Carrot Seed Oil for Eyes

Carrot seed oil is especially beneficial for cataracts and age-related macular degeneration of the eyes, it enhances twilight vision and sense of light, normalises intraocular pressure and improves the condition of the mucous membranes of the eyes. It is useful for office workers and anyone who spends a lot of time at the computer, increasing visual acuity, allowing the eyes to better adapt to various lighting and relieving eye fatigue.

Carrot Seed Oil for Skin

Uleiul de semințe de morcov are un efect pozitiv asupra regenerării epiteliului pielii, vindecării rănilor și ameliorează erupțiile. Amestecând ulei de semințe de morcov cu orice produs de bronzat pe care îl utilizați, îmbunătățește tonusul pielii și promovează un bronz sănătos și plin de farmec, care durează mult mai mult pe pielea dumneavoastră. Uleiul de semințe de morcov este utilizat pe scară largă în producția de produse cosmetice anti îmbătrânire și este recunoscut ca un agent natural anti îmbătrânire. Are un efect de întinerire și întărește pielea lăsată, care devine vizibil mai fermă și mai elastică.

Carrot Seed Oil for Hair

The well-known youth vitamins A and E, as well as other nutrients abundantly present in carrot seed oil, contribute to the strengthening and health of hair. Hair masks using carrot seed oil stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and maintain its natural color, improve hair structure, making it silky. Regular use of carrot seed oil strengthens hair and gives it a healthy shine. Carrot seed oil has excellent moisturizing properties.

Carrot Seed Oil for Face

Natural carrot seed oil improves complexion, age spots and freckles become noticeably lighter. It actively fights dryness and peeling of the skin. It promotes facial skin regeneration, stimulates cell renewal, promotes healing of small wounds, improves the elasticity and firmness of the facial skin and makes the skin smooth and elastic. Thanks to its high content of vitamins A and E, it nourishes the skin, heals acne and delivers a healthy complexion.

Carrot Seed Oil for Acne

Carrot seed oil is an ideal solution for fighting skin rashes. It has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and therefore can successfully relieve acne.

Additional information

Bottle size

1+1 (1000 ml), 1+1 (300 ml), 1+1 (500 ml), 1000 ml, 125 ml, 200 ml, 300 ml, 500 ml, 60 ml


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