Ulei Regina Nefertiti

75.00 lei

Women’s fragrance Fragrance: floral-fructat. Pentru femeia elegantă, romantică, seducătoare. Cu acest parfum floral-fructat, fiecare femeie poate atrage în mod magic sexul puternic. Este un parfum feminin intens, distinctiv. Queen Nefertiti poate fi parfumul perfect al fiecărei femei pentru orice ocazie. Mirosul senzual al Queen Nefertiti subliniază încrederea în sine și este în același timp atractiv. Top note: Bergamot, grapefruit, cassia, tangerine, orange, blackcurrant Heart note: Apricot, jasmine, lily, lily of the valley, rose Base note: Amber, musk, tonka bean, vanilla, cedar ambra, mosc, boabe de tonka, vanilie, cedru Aplicare și efect Top note On application of Queen Nefertiti, the top note unfolds first, releasing a fruity berry fragrance. The intense, berry-like and slightly sour note, as well as the slight scent of cinnamon which can be perceived, develop from the currant. With the scent of orange and the influence of bergamot, Queen Nefertiti gives a touch of summer freshness, similar to a fruit cocktail. All in all, a refreshing scent develops in the top note. Heart note After about 15 minutes, the heart note develops as the life-affirming scent of jasmine. The scent of rose and lily of the valley give the feminine note to Queen Nefertiti. The heart note develops as a slightly sweet note. Base note După aproximativ 4 ore, apare nota de bază. Se dezvoltă într-un parfum cald, asemănător migdalelor, care este dat de boabele de tonka combinate cu vanilie. Intensitatea este subliniată de parfumul de mosc. Acest parfum durează ore întregi înainte sa dispară lent. Interacțiunea acestui amestec unic de diferite parfumuri face ca uleiul Queen Nefertiti să facă parte din femeia sofisticată care iubește un parfum intens, floral-fructat. Uleiul Queen Nefertiti evidentiaza frumusețea feminină care afirmă viața. Aplicarea amestecurilor de arome Nefertiti

(1 customer review)
Ulei Regina Nefertiti – 15 ml
75.00 lei

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Perfume production with Aroma oil blends.

Our Nefertiti Aroma blends provide the best base for producing your own tailor made perfume.

Mix the Nefertiti Aroma Oil of your choice with 96% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio to create your favourite perfume.

When using your favourite fragrance in its pure form, only apply it in small amounts. Just a small drop is sufficient to be applied topically with a finger, for example rubbed behind the ear.

Never apply undiluted Aroma Blends to clothing as the pure oil may stain!

Other applications
Aromaterapie cu Aroma Blend: Adăugați câteva picături de Aroma Blend într-un difuzor.

Room refreshment with Aroma Blend: Mix 1:2 Aroma Oil Blend (1) with distilled water (2).

Bath additive with Aroma Blend: Envelop yourself completely with your favourite scent! Add a few drops of the Aroma Blend of your choice to your bath water. 

Did you know?
Egypt is the main supplier of aroma oils for all the famous perfume brands worldwide.

Nefertiti Aroma Blends are extracted from the essences of flowers and herbs that grow under the influence of the Egyptian sun in our agricultural area in Fayum. These aroma oils are obtained by cold pressing or by distilling the harvest in our own factory in Fayum, Egypt, and bottled there. Our agricultural products are therefore 100% of the highest quality and form the healthy basis for an excellent end product. Nefertiti Aroma Blends are suitable for use in aromatherapy and for making fine perfumes.

Additional information

Bottle size

15 ml, 50 ml

1 review for Ulei Regina Nefertiti

  1. Gabriela

    Este foarte persistent. Sunt foarte mulțumită. Iar doamna Olga este o doamna foarte cumsecade și sigur va poate ajuta in alegerea parfumului dorit.

    • olga.bobic

      Multumesc mult Gabriela pentru cuvintele frumoase!

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